
Merchant Logistics

VENDORS may arrive as early as 8:00 AM the Sunday of the event.

Please bring your own assistants to assist you in loading and unloading.  Due to liability reasons, LPPD staff is unable to assist you in unloading or setup.

Please bring a raffle donation and have ready to deliver to raffle/information booth upon arrival.  Requested donation value: $20+.

Please unload your vehicle as quickly as possible and immediately remove your vehicle from the field (unload now, unpack and setup when you get back).  Be courteous to your neighbors who need space to unload. We’re all in this together!

Electric is not available to vendors.

We have a designated smoking area for those sensitive to tobacco smoke.

All vehicles must be removed from the sidewalks by 10AM.

Please read the vendor guidelines before arrival.

Several of you have asked for specific areas to set up or wanting to set up next to another booth. We do not have the staff to arrange specific booth space for you and the booth areas will be filled, First Come – First Serve. We will have a general layout of where you may not set up to leave room for ritual space.

Relax and have fun!

Handy Merchant PDF

Don’t forget your tent stakes.