
You can find us on Facebook… or you can use the links below to ask specific questions.

We have a link above to sign up to volunteer.  Otherwise, your Volunteer Coordinator: Kim

Your Spiritual Coordinator: Lady Vanessa

Can you imagine a world…
Where everyone could wear the symbol of his or her spiritual path if they so choose? Where you could practice your faith openly without fear of retribution? To gather and to celebrate with others without creating suspicion? For those who seek knowledge finding facts rather than fallacies? That honors those who have passed through the veil with the symbols of the path they followed? The Pagan Pride Project began 10 years ago with a handful of people with these images in mind, and the desire to make them come true. The road has been long, the tasks arduous, and the risks many, but the rewards have been great.

The Goddess has blessed us with a vibrant and talented community, and the LPPD organizers are asking for your help. Last year’s event was a success beyond everyone’s expectations, and we plan on exceeding those goals this year. For LPPD to grow, it takes the helping hands of people with a vision that reaches far beyond the Pagan community. Our mission is to make the journey safe for our sisters and brothers who already follow the path, and for those yet to discover it. Only those who know the truth can bring that truth to others, and if Paganism is to gain acceptance, the truth must be told. The task of educating the public in the ways of the Pagan path may very well be the most important step taken in spirituality in the last 1500 years.

We need people to share their talents to show the eyes willing to see, to sing to the ears willing to hear, to enlighten the minds willing to be opened, and to bring joy to the hearts waiting to be filled. The laborers of today are the leaders of tomorrow. Please consider donating your wisdom and talents to helping LPPD bring the vision of acceptance from imagination to reality. Blessed be.